The Power of Purposeful College Visits: 5 People You Should Meet on Campus

A sunny day on campus at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business

Campus visits are an invaluable part of the decision-making process. It's your chance to get a feel for the atmosphere, explore the facilities, and envision yourself as a member of the community.

While you’re on campus, you may want to connect with some representatives of the school so that you form a stronger relationship with the institution. You may need to arrange to meet with some of these people ahead of your visit.

5 People to Connect With on Campus Visits

Realistically, it's important to understand that you may not meet with all of these individuals during every college visit. However, consider this list as a valuable tool to help you strategically plan whom you would like to meet and when during your college visits.

  1. Your Admissions Officer

    Find out who your admissions officer is ahead of your visit. Your admissions officer is usually assigned to your state or region. They are often the ones who read your application. Meet them and leave a good impression!

  2. Your Tour Guide

    Tour guides will usually offer their contact info and offer to stick around after the tour to answer questions. Ask for their contact information and follow up with them via email after you get home to thank them for their time. Ask them any other questions that may have popped up after your visit

  3. Interviewers

    See if the school offers or encourages on-campus interviews with admissions officers or alumni

  4. Financial Aid Officers

    Get information about how to apply for scholarships and ask any questions about your specific circumstances to get an idea of cost expectations

  5. Professors or Department Chairs *

    If you are interested in a particular program, major, or school within the college (think engineering or business), schedule a meeting with a professor or chair if you can to express your interest in their program or to learn more about it. Look up the professor ahead of time to see what kind of research or publications they are involved in.

    *Although it is less likely for students to be able to engage with faculty directly during a campus visit, researching faculty members and their research can play a pivotal role in setting a student apart during the college admissions process. I've frequently observed that students applying to selective colleges have received acceptances by incorporating discussion points in their essays about the faculty members and their research areas.

The Follow Up

Lastly, you can and should reconnect with the people you meet on campus at some point after return home. Who knows, these connections might even pave the way for you into your freshman year at their institution.


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